A student sitting down in a lounge chair working on her laptop in a colorful room.

Add/Drop and Withdrawal

The following is specific information about policies related to adding or dropping from courses, Add/Drop Adjustments and Leave of Absence.

Last Modified: Monday, March 17, 2025 11:57 am

Add / Drop / Withdrawal & Adjustment Calendar

Spring 2025
Term & Description # of Weeks Start Date End Date Last Day to Add or Drop Classes
100% Adjustment
Withdrawal Period Begins
(W Grade)
Last Day to Withdraw Classes
50% Adjustment
No Adjustment Final Day to Withdraw
Full Term
(Session A)
14 1/17 5/5 1/27 1/28 2/13 2/14 4/1
1st Half Term
(Session B)
7 1/17 3/7 1/27 1/28 1/29 1/30 2/19
2nd Half Term
(Session C)
7 3/17 5/5 3/24 3/25 3/30 3/31 4/19
Summer 2025
Part of Term & Description # of Weeks Start Date End Date Last Day to Add or Drop Classes
100% Adjustment
Withdrawal Period Begins
(W Grade)
Last Day to Withdraw Classes
50% Adjustment
No Adjustment Final Day to Withdraw
Full Semester
(Session A)
14 5/12 8/20 5/17 5/18 6/6 6/7 7/14
1st 7 week term
(Session B)
7 5/12 7/1 5/17 5/18 5/24 5/25 6/14
2nd 7 Week Term
(Session C)
7 7/2 8/20 7/7 7/8 7/14 7/15 8/4
1st 4 Week Term
(Session D)
4 5/12 6/9 5/17 5/18 5/19 5/20 6/1
2nd 4 Week Term
(Session E)
4 6/16 7/15 6/21 6/22 6/23 6/24 7/7
3rd 4 Week Term
(Session F)
4 7/21 8/15 7/26 7/27 7/27 7/28 8/9


  • Students who drop a course through NEST are responsible for reviewing their schedule to make certain that they have indeed dropped the course.
  • If you have a hold that is preventing your withdrawal, contact registration@waki-aiai.net for assistance. Withdrawals are completed by returning to your current term registration in NEST and requesting the WD option.
  • If you need assistance adding a class to your schedule during the first week of each semester, you may need to contact your academic advisor. Schedule an appointment on Navigate today!

Please Note: Notification to the instructor or a “stop payment” of a check does not constitute an official withdrawal from the University or withdrawal from individual courses.

Drop/Withdrawal Policy
New first-year students, please visit your college advising office or faculty advisor for assistance with drop/add.

Courses dropped through the Final Add/Drop deadline will be removed from the records. Courses withdrawn after the Final Add/Drop deadline through the tenth week of the semester will be recorded as WD’s.

Leave of Absence/Withdrawal

Undergraduate Students may take a leave of absence for two semesters (fall and/or spring). All requests for a withdrawal or leave of absence from the University must be completed online in NEST. For more information on how to submit the request, visit the How to Guides under the Red Hawk Central website.

Once submitted, your request will be reviewed by a member of your college or school’s academic advising/student success team.Students who plan to be away for three or more semesters must officially withdraw from the University.

Students who take a leave of absence for two semesters do not need to apply for readmission and can simply register for the next upcoming semester during the registration period. Students who have officially withdrawn or been away for more than two semesters, must apply for readmission.

Graduate Students requesting a leave of absence or withdrawal from the University must contact The Graduate School.

Please Note: Notification to University College or The Graduate School does not constitute an official withdrawal from individual courses.

Past Drop / Withdrawal / Adjustment Calendars

Past Drop/ Withdrawal / Adjustment Calendars for Your Reference.

Summer 2023 Drop / Withdrawal / Adjustment Calendar

Term & Description # of Weeks Start Date End Date Last Day to Add OR Drop 100% Withdrawal Period Begins (W Grade) Last Day WD 50% No Adjustment
Final Day to WD
1: Full Term 15 5/16 8/24 5/23 5/24 6/9 6/10 7/18
12E: Twelve Week Session 12 5/1 7/21 5/8 5/9 5/22 5/23 6/21
12I: Twelve Week Session 12 5/16 8/3 5/23 5/24 6/6 6/7 7/3
12W: Twelve Week Session 12 5/22 8/13 5/30 5/31 6/12 6/13 7/14
3W1: Three Week Session 3 8/7 8/24 8/10 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/15
4W1: Four Week Session 4 5/16 6/8 5/19 5/20 5/23 5/24 5/25
4W2: Four Week Session 4 5/8 6/8 5/11 5/12 5/15 5/16 5/23
4W3: Four Week Session 4 6/12 7/6 6/15 6/16 6/20 6/21 6/22
4W4: Four Week Session 4 7/10 8/3 7/14 7/15 7/18 7/19 7/20
6W1: Six Week Session 6 5/16 6/22 5/23 5/24 5/30 5/31 6/4
6W2: Six Week Session 6 5/22 7/2 5/30 5/31 6/5 6/6 6/15
6W3: Six Week Session 6 6/26 8/3 7/3 7/4 7/9 7/10 7/21
6W4: Six Week Session 6 7/3 8/13 7/10 7/11 7/18 7/19 7/29
7W1: Seven Week Session 7 5/1 6/15 5/8 5/9 5/14 5/15 5/29
7W2: Seven Week Session 7 7/3 8/20 7/10 7/11 7/16 7/17 8/3
8W1: Eight Week Session 8 5/1 6/25 5/8 5/9 5/15 5/16 6/3
8W2: Eight Week Session 8 5/22 7/16 5/30 5/31 6/5 6/6 6/27
8W3: Eight Week Session 8 6/26 8/20 7/3 7/4 7/10 7/11 8/1
ALL: Full Term 15 5/16 8/24 5/23 5/24 6/9 6/10 7/18

Fall 2023 Drop / Withdrawal / Adjustment Calendar

Term & Description # of Weeks Start Date End Date Last Day to Add OR Drop 100% Withdrawal Period Begins (W Grade) Last Day WD 50% No Adjustment Final Day to WD Waitlist Ends
1: Full Term 16 8/28 12/15 9/5 9/6 9/25 9/26 11/10 9/3
1ST: 1st Half 7 8/28 10/15 9/5 9/6 9/25 9/26 9/27 9/3
2nd: 2nd Half 7 10/18 12/6 10/25 10/26 11/14 11/15 11/27 9/3
8W1: Eight Week Session 8 8/28 10/22 9/5 9/6 9/12 9/13 9/27 9/3
8W2: Eight Week Session 8 10/23 12/15 10/30 10/31 11/20 11/21 11/28 9/3
ALL: Full Term 16 8/28 12/15 9/5 9/6 9/25 9/26 11/10 9/3
HY1: 7 8/28 10/15 9/5 9/6 9/25 9/26 9/27 9/3
HY2: 15 9/9 12/22 9/16 9/17 10/7 10/8 12/6 9/3
HY3: 7 10/18 12/6 10/25 10/26 11/15 11/16 11/21 9/3

Winter 2024 Drop / Withdrawal / Adjustment Calendar

Term & Description # of Weeks Start Date End Date Last Day to Add OR Drop 100% Withdrawal Period Begins (W Grade) Last Day WD 50% No Adjustment Final Day to WD
1: Full Term 4 12/18 1/12 12/18 12/19 12/26 12/27 1/2

Spring 2024 Drop / Withdrawal / Adjustment Calendar

Term & Description # of Weeks Start Date End Date Last Day to Add OR Drop 100% Withdrawal Period Begins (W Grade) Last Day WD 50% No Adjustment Final Day to WD Waitlist Ends
1: Full Term 16 1/16 5/7 1/23 1/24 3/4 3/5 4/3 1/18
1ST: 1st Half 7 1/16 3/5 1/23 1/24 2/12 2/13 2/19 1/18
2nd: 2nd Half 7 3/18 5/6 3/25 3/26 4/15 4/16 4/19 1/18
BO1 7 1/16 3/10 1/23 1/24 2/12 2/13 2/21 1/14
BO2 8 3/11 5/6 3/18 3/19 3/25 3/26 4/15 1/18
MB1: 8 Week Session 7 1/8 3/3 1/16 1/17 1/24 1/25 2/14 1/14
MB2: 8 Week Session 8 3/4 4/28 3/11 3/12 3/19 3/20 4/10 1/18

Summer 2024 Drop / Withdrawal / Adjustment Calendar

Term & Description # of Weeks Start Date End Date Last Day to Add OR Drop 100% Withdrawal Period Begins (W Grade) Last Day WD 50% No Adjustment Final Day to WD
1: Full Term 16 5/13 9/1 5/20 5/21 6/5 6/6 7/21
4W1: 4 Week Session 4 5/13 6/9 5/15 5/16 5/20 5/21 5/31
4W2: 4 Week Session 4 6/10 7/7 6/12 6/13 6/17 6/18 6/28
4W3: 4 Week Session 4 7/8 8/4 7/10 7/11 7/15 7/16 7/26
8W1: 8 Week Session 8 5/6 6/30 5/13 5/14 5/21 5/22 6/10
8W2: 8 Week Session 8 5/13 7/7 5/20 5/21 5/29 5/30 6/17
8W3: 8 Week Session 8 7/1 8/25 7/9 7/10 7/17 7/18 8/5
8W4: 8 Week Session 8 7/8 9/1 7/15 7/16 7/23 7/24 7/18

Fall 2024

Term & Description # of Weeks Start Date End Date Last Day to Add OR Drop 100% Withdrawal Period Begins (W Grade) Last Day WD 50% No Adjustment Final Day to WD Waitlist Ends
1: Full Term 15 9/4 12/20 9/11 9/12 10/1 10/2 11/11 9/11
1ST: 1st Half 7 9/4 10/22 9/11 9/12 9/16 9/17 10/6 9/11
2nd: 2nd Half 7 10/23 12/13 10/30 10/31 11/5 11/6 11/26 10/30
8W1: Eight Week Session 7 9/4 10/25 9/11 9/12 9/17 9/18 10/8 9/11
8W2: Eight Week Session 7 10/28 12/20 11/4 11/5 11/10 11/11 12/4 11/4
HY1: 8 9/2 10/27 9/9 9/10 9/16 9/17 10/10 9/9
HY2: 8 10/28 12/22 11/4 11/5 11/11 11/12 12/5 11/4

Winter 2025

Term & Description # of Weeks Start Date End Date Last Day to Add OR Drop 100% Withdrawal Period Begins (W Grade) Last Day WD 50% No Adjustment Final Day to WD Waitlist Ends
1: Full Term 3 12/23 1/15/2025 12/26 12/27 12/29 12/30 1/9/2025 12/26